searching of video-profiles on data (city, country, age)
voting for the video-profile you like
adding friends at mutual attraction
recording of video-greeting for adding friends
off-line communication with history saving
calling from friends’ list to video chat
Video chat features
we do not have photo or video download, so everyone you meet is real person and you see all of them exactly how they appear in life
all you need to be the one of them are webcam and registration, these are the only conditions
search is directed at potential interlocutor location, it will help you to make a quick acquaintance with guy or girl from the next street
Video chat rules
it is prohibited to demonstrate privates during chats with incident interlocutor, every member has a complaint button, if there are many appeals against you, you will be banned for 12 hours
there are no demonstration limits for video-chats with friends
we are not against virtual relations, we are against privates demonstration to all and sundry, remember that children might see you
Our chat for mature people, if you are not over 18 – do not waste your and other people’s time!
Video chatting Moscow, New-York, Paris, London, Mumbai, Delhi, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Montreal, Rome and thousands of other webcams in different countries, different cities.